As the saying goes, old habits die hard. But with a new year come new opportunities to kick some old habits to the curb and make room – physically and mentally – for the new and improved. And one of the best places to start is right in your very own home.
For example, if you’re tired of living in a sea of clutter but get overwhelmed at the idea of lightening the load, here are 6 things you can tackle right now that will get you well on your way to a more organized, clutter-free existence.
- Old Clothing – If you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you never will. Free up precious space in your closet or dresser drawers and donate, sell, or toss items that are outdated or don’t fit.
- Make-up and Grooming Supplies – Many grooming and make-up items have a shelf life of about a year. So if you have old lipsticks, shadows, and other items that are past their prime, toss ‘em. While you’re at it, get rid of those old lotions and decorative soaps that you never use but can’t seem to part with.
- Gifts – While it’s true that it is the thought that counts, some gifts simply miss the mark. Take a moment to appreciate the gift – and the gift giver’s sentiment, and pass that unused candle or tie collection onto a thrift store.
- Broken or Damaged Furniture – Ah, you had such great plans for that antique writer’s desk, but it’s now been two years since you picked it up off the side of the road and it’s still sitting in your garage. Drag it out to your curb, post it for free on Craigslist, or donate it to charity.
- Financial Documents – Neatly file your tax returns, deeds, leases, insurance papers and any other important documents in a safe, organized place. Run everything else through the shredder and into the recycling bin. And to keep things organized moving forward, sign up for electronic billing and statements and download those documents in a file on your hard drive.
- Expired Food and Medicine – Take a look in your medicine cabinet and remove expired prescriptions and over-the-counter meds. Check with your local pharmacy for proper disposal. Then, go through your kitchen cabinets and pantry and toss expired canned goods and pre-packaged food.
Will following these steps rid your home of all unwanted and not needed clutter? Probably not. But mess-free homes aren’t any more likely to be created in a day than Rome was.