Using Your HVAC System to Combat Allergies
As the seasons change, allergies tend to stick around, even as the weather gets cooler around fall. Fall allergies can affect you inside your home, just like they do when you’re outdoors.
Luckily, using the right tactics, you can combat fall allergies inside your home as well as improve your overall indoor air quality. Our Pennsylvania technicians want homeowners in the area to be able to find a little relief and lessen allergens in their homes. Keep reading to see how you can rid your home of allergy triggers, understand common causes of indoor allergens, and how to remove them.
Common Indoor Allergens in Pennsylvania
Some of the most common indoor allergens here in Pennsylvania come from sources such as:
1. Dust
Dust lasts all year round and is hard to avoid. In the fall, dust particles can get stirred up from the wind, accumulate from skin cells, or come about in dry weather. For example, fall is the beginning of the holiday season, and going in and out of your home to complete small tasks can bring in dust from outside, which triggers your allergies.
2. Pet Dander and Dust Mites
Dust mites are small little insects that live indoors. They typically can’t be eradicated by simply vacuuming or dusting your home. They stick to fibers and can live deep within your carpeting, triggering your allergies no matter the time of year.
Since dust mites can thrive in humid environments, having your home’s thermostat set to 70°F and above can help keep them at bay.
3. Mold Spores and Mildew
Mold and mildew grow and thrive in dark, moist environments, like your bathroom or laundry room. But, did you know that fall leaves can also breed mold spores? Sometimes we may think a fallen leaf is pretty and want to take it home to collect, or maybe you have kids that like to play in the leaves. While this makes for a fun family activity, you could be carrying those spores back home with you, creating an unhealthy environment that can reduce your indoor air quality.
Combatting Fall Allergies at Home Using Your HVAC System
There’s no specific season or time of the year when you should get your HVAC system maintained by a professional technician or even take action yourself. You can neutralize fall allergens and improve your indoor air quality by taking simple steps that our team suggests for customers with pesky allergies.
Clean Air Filters Regularly
Allergens can cause buildup not only in your nose but also in your home’s HVAC system. Your air conditioner’s filter is a key component in keeping your home allergen-free. Air filters collect particles in the air that trigger allergies, however, when they’re full of dust and dirt they don’t pick up much of anything.
To defend your home from allergens, you should always check and change your air filters. Ideally, filters should be changed at least once every other month so that your family can breathe fresher air.
Maintaining Your HVAC Unit
So, what if changing your air filter isn’t enough? If you still feel your allergies are being triggered by something in your home, you should call a professional technician and schedule routine maintenance on your HVAC unit.
Call DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company for help
A technician can install air purification systems, and UV lights, seal your ducts, install dehumidifiers, high-efficiency filters, and more to keep allergens out of your air.
Our team at DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company can help you create a plan to keep your home allergy-free. Call us today at 610-873-1244 to schedule an appointment and rid your home of fall allergens!